Wah, Wah, Wah

Wah, Wah, Wah

“Selling four lesser bloodstone ores for one gold!”

“What? That’s too much money!”
“You’re ripping off the poor people!”
“I need the ore, but I am not paying for that!”
“Why, I can get that cheaper in the auction house over in Ironforge!”
“No way that’s worth a gold. That took you, what, thirty minutes to get?”

Who committed the greater offense here? A seller putting a price on his labor or the people loudly griping? If ye don’t like the price, don’t buy it. Before lamenting upon the woefulness of it all, have some consideration for those within earshot and take the soapbox elsewhere. Nobody likes a bully.

One thought on “Wah, Wah, Wah

  1. ok i am a ex-player of Wow and i think i can answer 😀 what you need to start playnig is the code for the account, the disks you can just get off anyone, the BC expansion can be downloaded online, but i believe you’ll have to pay for upgrading your account to a Bc account ofc this depends if there is any offer atm i suggest you renew your trial account, lets say you pay a month, that should authenticate it and then just but what you need if possible get a friend to lend you the cd’s so you dont have to spend extra 50 bucks or whatever for them xD hope this helped!References : ex wow addict xD

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